Presentation slides

Slide 1 Title Page, Future-Proofing your Workforce while Navigating Organizational Change

Logo of two circular arrows denoting change management on blue circle and text.

Slide 2 - Key Objectives

Text, vertical white bar and icons of change management, icon of scales and a dumbbell

There are three key objectives for today, to define continuous improvement, highlight the importance of continuous improvement skills and bringing that into balance, and hiring and training these skills.

Slide 3 - Previous work

Slide with image of the previous presentation, a blue vertical line and text

Previous Work.
This was aimed at the research infrastructure community, but it has many transferable aspects that are in this presentation.
The DOI of the previous presentation is at DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.10010435

Slide 4 - Articulating the problem

orange circle with symbol of diverging arrows

Slide 5 - The only constant is change

orange circle with symbol of diverging arrows plus image of document overlaid with black circle and text

Slide 6 - Technology skills quickly become outdated

orange circle with symbol of computer screen, plus logos of AngularJS and ReactJS, and text

In technology, skills quickly become outdated. AngularJS used to be the foremost programming framework to do front-end work, but has been surpassed by ReactJS. Even AngularJS 2.0 made the original AngularJS obsolete.
In business, this is also the case, but perhaps at not at such a breakneck speed.

Slide 7 - Wicked problems are solved collaboratively not competitively

orange circle with globe in black and white with Africa centered

Slide 8 - Covid-19 has changed how we live, work and play

orange circle with picture of person in mask

Slide 9 - Key Objectives - Continuous Improvement

Text, vertical white bar and icons of change management (highlighted), icon of scales and a dumbbell

Slide 10 - Continuous Improvement

black circle denoting change with two circular arrows and text on blue background

The underlying aim is for continuous improvement.

Slide 11 - Courage needed for continuous improvement

blue circle denoting change with two circular arrows and text

It is an attitude that relies on courage to highlight issues early

Slide 12 - Focus on the problem

blue circle denoting change with two circular arrows and text

Focusing on solving the problem and getting the most from people

Slide 13 - Key questions

blue circle denoting change with two circular arrows with title, vertical blue line with numbers on blue circles and text

Key questions include:
1. Is this a potential or current problem?
2. How do we fix this now?
3. How do we reduce the chanec of this in the future?
4. Are there any similar areas that need to be reviewed?

Slide 14 - Right people to get the right outcomes

Blue circle with black head to denote a person with text

You need the right people, with the right attitude and skills, to get the right outcomes

Slide 15 - Hiring process focuses on experience

Black circle with orange head. Orange background with text

The hiring process tends to focus on experience

Slide 16 - Easy to hire people who cannot change easily

Black circle with orange head. Orange background with text

But this makes it easy to hire someone who cannot change easily

Slide 17 - 10 years of experience means?

Graph showing one line continuously growing, other line is stagnant

Are you hiring someone with 10 years experience of continuous improvement?

Or are you hiring someone with 1 year of experience that relied on that for the next 9 years?

Slide 18 - Red flag reactions

Text with vertical orange line, with numbers on orange cicles, plus text.

Red flag reactions when someone raises an issue
1. Deny that the issue exists
2. Dismiss evidence and claims
3. Delay solutions
4. Deny responsibility

Slide 19 - Senior leaders can make or break organisations

organisational chart made of black interconnected dots with skull and crossbones at top

Senior leaders with these qualities can poison organisations

Slide 20 - The importance of continuous improvement skills

Vertical white line with green circle with scales highlighted

Key Objectives - the importance of continuous improvement skills

Slide 21 - Balance the hiring process with continuous improvement skills

green circle with scales

Increase the focus on continuous improvement skills to balance the hiring process

Slide 22 - Key continuous improvement skills

6 circles with images of book for learnability, handshake for collaborative, blocked arrow for adaptability, brain for critical thinking, signposts for tolerance for ambiguity, rubics cube for tolerance for complexity

Key continuous improvement skills are learnability, collaborative by default, adaptability, critical thinking, tolerance for ambiguity, and tolerance for complexity

Slide 23 - Learnability

green circle with book inside

Learnability is the ability to learn quickly from existing resources without much help

Slide 24 - Collaborative

green circle with two hands shaking

Collaborative by default breaks down silos and shares horizontally

Slide 25 - Adaptability

green circle with one arrow blocked and another arrow going around obstacle

Adaptability provides the ability to pivot based on new information

Slide 26 - Critical Thinking

green circle with brain inside

Critical thinking is the ability to make accurate judgements,
based on first principles,
in a field that is not in your area of expertise,
using ambiguous information.

Slide 27 - Tolerance for Ambiguity

green circle with signposts inside

Tolerance for ambiguity is the ability to work effectively even though there may not be any ground truth

Slide 28 - Tolerance for Complexity

green circle with rubics cube inside

Tolerance for complexity is the ability to synthesise complex, high-dimensional problems

Slide 29 - Change is constant - solution

orange circle with symbol of diverging arrows,  3 green circles with a book, brain and rubics cube

To handle constant change, you need people with learnability, critical thinking, and a tolerance for complexity.

Slide 30 - Skills become outdated

orange circle with symbol of computer screen,  3 green circles with a book, brain and rubics cube

To handle skills quickly becoming outdated, you need people with learnability, critical thinking, and a tolerance for complexity.

Slide 31 - Solving wicked problems

orange circle with globe in black and white with Africa centered, and 3 green circles with shaking hands, arrows going around obstacle , and rubics cube

To handle wicked problems, you need people who are collaborative by default, adaptable, and have a tolerance for complexity.

Slide 32 - Adapting to Covid-19

orange circle with picture of person in mask, and 3 green circles with shaking hands, arrows going around obstacle , and signpost

To handle adapting to COVID-19, you need people who are collaborative, adaptable, and have a tolerance for ambiguity.

Slide 33 - Positive reactions

Text with vertical line, 4 green circles numbered one to four with more text

Positive reactions when someone raises an issue
1. Take time to understand
2. Listen to evidence and claims
3. Prioritise solutions
4. Accept responsibility

Slide 34 - Key Objectives - Hiring and Training continuous improvement skills

text with white verticle line, white circle with dumbbell inside highlighted

Key Objectives - Hiring and Training continuous improvement skills

Slide 35 - How can you get these skills into your organisation?

white circle with dumbbell inside with text

So how can you recruit and train for these skills?

Slide 36 - Recruit vs training

white circle with dumbbell inside with text

Recruitment is easier as you can filter based on selection criteria.

Training is more challenging.

Slide 37 - Competency tables for recruitment

Table with white circle with dumbbell inside at top left

For recruitment and performance review, an organisation could create competency tables for each attribute that is appropriate.

This example of learnability can then be use in your selection critieria and for interview questions.

Applicants would be judged on this with the same or slightly heavier weighting than technical skills and much heavier than experience.
Experience Selection Criteria Interview Question
Beginner Can quickly learn skills within a mixed formal learning and informal methods When did you learn a new skill for a project? How did you learn and use it in time?
Intermediate Can learn complex concepts across multiple domains at a high level with mixed methods When did you learn multiple new concepts for a project? How did you learn and use it in time?
Expert Routinely learns complex concepts across multiple domains and shows a deep level of understanding How often do you learn multiple new concepts? What methodologies do you use?

Slide 38 - Competency table for Critical Thinking


Experience Selection Criteria Interview Question
Beginner Can make some accurate judgements in another field of expertise with support and limited information When did you make a good decision that was outside your field? How did you identify and choose options?
Intermediate Can make some accurate judgements in another field of expertise with limited information When did you make multiple good decisions outside your field for one project? How did you identify options?
Expert Routinely makes accurate judgements in another field of expertise with limited or ambiguous information What methodologies do you use to make good decisions outside your field? How often do you surprise others?

Slide 39 - Training, including modelling behaviour

white circle with dumbell inside, plus text

Now we will go through some options for training in-ghouse, but it should be noted that the biggest factor in training is modelling the behaviour you want to see in others.

Slide 40 - Learnability training

Green circle with book, white vertical line and 4 circles numbered 1 to 4

1. Embrace continuous learning by providing time for informal learning
2. Move to a learning mindset (understanding rather than rote)
3. Identify the learning styles of each employee and build on them
4. Reward learning by making it a Key Performance Indicator

Slide 41 - Collaborate by default training

Green circle with shaking hands, white vertical line and 4 circles numbered 1 to 4

Collaborate by default
1. Have a clear overview of the organisation with team roles and responsibilities
2. Look at secondments to build relationships across teams
3. Setup virtual multi-disciplinary teams at a technical level
4. Reward collaboration by making it a Key Performance Indicator

Slide 42 - Adaptability Training

Green circle with arrows going around obstacle , white vertical line and 4 circles numbered 1 to 4

1. Focus on creating diversity in your teams so different perspectives are discussed
2. Take calculated risks via trials and prototyping aka. Agile management
3. Evaluate underlying assumptions regularly, to ensure they still hold
4. Reward adaptability by making it a Key Performance Indicator

Slide 43 - Critical Thinking Training

Green circle with brain inside, white vertical line and 4 circles numbered 1 to 4

Critical Thinking
1. Identify and challenge underlying assumptions
2. Focus on creating diversity in your teams so different perspectives are learned and applied
3. Paraphrase questions to ensure the nuances of the problem are understood
4. Reward critical thinking by making it a Key Performance Indicator

Slide 44 - Tolerance for ambiguity training

Green circle with signpost inside, white vertical line and 4 circles numbered 1 to 4

Tolerance for Ambiguity
1. Build a culture where it is OK to not know the final answer straight away
2. Evaluate answers regularly, to ensure they still make sense with current information
3. Increase information available via trials and prototyping aka. Agile management
4. Reward tolerance for ambiguity by making it a Key Performance Indicator

Slide 45 - Tolerance for complexity training

Green circle with rubics cube inside, white vertical line and 4 circles numbered 1 to 4

Tolerance for Complexity
1. Encourage documentation of complex problems at a high level and at a more detailed level
2. Encourage documentation of the engineering tradeoffs of complex problems
3. Build a culture where it is OK for senior staff to place trust in people who have this ability
4. Reward tolerance for complexity by making it a Key Performance Indicator

Slide 46 - Continuous improvement is the goal

Blue circle with two circular arrows inside, and text

The underlying aim is for continuous improvement

Slide 47 - The 'Enlightened' organisation

Blue circle with two circular arrows inside (change management), green circle with signpost (strategy), orange circle with interlinked circles (diversity)

The 'Enlightened' organisation
This is how I see how to holistically create organisations that can survive and thrive in constant change

Slide 48 - Diversity & Inclusion

orange circle with interlinked circles (diversity) and text

Mosbergen, Rowland (2021): Improving Diversity and Inclusion in Senior Leadership: A workshop to help recruit diverse senior leaders.

Slide 49 - Intersectionality Spectrum

graph showing how degree of difficulty increases as intersectionality increases, with logos for different types of marginalised groups

This graph is to show how someone's "degree of difficulty" increases as the number of marginalised groups they belongs to increases.

Slide 50 - Intersectionality Spectrum

graph showing how degree of difficulty increases as intersectionality increases, with green arrows showing where help should be distributed

Triaging to help those who need it most, similar to a hospital setting. There are three green arrows on the right here there is a high degree of difficulty to show we need to help those with a higher degree of difficulty first.

Slide 51 - Strategic Planning using a Change Management Framework

green circle with signpost (strategy) and text

Mosbergen, Rowland (2020): Strategic Planning using a Change Management Lifecycle Framework.

Slide 52 - Contact

Blue circle with two circular arrows inside (change management), green circle with signpost (strategy), orange circle with interlinked circles (diversity)

Contact me via LinkedIn